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Generazione Vulture in Basilicata
Generazione Vulture in Basilicata

The Ultimate Southern Italy Roadtrip

South of Somewhere Video Trailer (Part 3: The Road)

Summer is over for me and it’s time to get back on the road—this week I’m heading south to Abruzzo via train and automobile to immerse in the scene of new gen producers of delicious red Montepulciano d’Abruzzo and white Trebbiano d’Abruzzo. (The legendary landmarks being Emidio Pepe and Valentini).

Abruzzo (a kind of north of the South) is a big chapter in the book….but more of that later.

For now the third short video trailer for South of Somewhere launches—showing photos of the great three-year road trip that went into the writing of the book. (The photo above by the way is taken at a gathering of Generazione Vulture in Basilicata. Specifically the terrace of Basilisco).

It’s one of many great memories teased in the trailer.

“All roads must have once led to Rome, but ever since Italy has been about the detours. And the detours within the detours.”

Did I write that? I did.

And lots more....

Watch the trailer :

And in case you missed ‘em :

Part 2

Part 1