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The best way to talk to a collector or anyone else who wants opinions on wines in closed bottles

“What d’ya think?”

When people talk wine, what are they really saying?

Late in this just-passed year I had a couple of experiences that drove home what I expected : When people talk about wine (and a lot of other stuff in which they invest their time, treasure, and selves) they don’t really care what others think.

They are seeking confirmation. As in : Did I make the right decision? Am I not cool? How will others see me?

This nagging and human insecurity is exponentially more evident in collectors of fine wines, who like to watch their assets grow in cellars, where they know that eventually their “portfolio” will turn to vinegar or might fall out of fashion.

If the last couple of years have taught us anything it is Carpe Diem.

In my latest Robert Camuto Meets….column at Wine Spectator I discuss the best way to talk to a collector or anyone else who wants opinions on wines in closed bottles.

(Hint : It involves a corkscrew)

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