Newfoundland has a small but creative food and beer scene. One of the more interesting named breweries is the Dildo Brewing Co. located in the picturesque coastal town of Dildo (pop 1,200 – about 60 miles west of Saint John’s). One theory about the historic town’s name origin is that it comes from the French name for the island — Ile d’Eau – for its abundant fresh water.
Speaking of water, as much of the U.S. and Italy suffer this summer from drought, it is worth noting that Canada holds about 20 percent of the planet’s freshwater reserves.
Yet, surprisingly, Canada isn’t yet building a wall on its southern border, and proclaiming “Stay away from our water!”
This may be because Canadians (save the occasional Quebecois who takes offense at the speaking of English), tend to be unfailingly polite. And genuinely nice. That goes ten-fold for Newfoundlanders.
Canada does have proud Dildoians. But, it seems, fewer dicks.